At MotoArt, we know how to make an entrance! What was once surrounding one of the muscular engines of a 747 cruising at more than 500 miles-per-hour is now the most distinctive entryway you have ever seen.
This circular eight-and-a-half-foot tall engine cowling entryway is beautiful in its size, shape and simplicity. With a stunning and commanding mirror-polish finish, it is conspicuous in all the right ways – powerful, stylish and fun.
From the body of the iconic 747 that has always represented strength, forward thinking and a feeling of zero limitation, this piece is a shining large-scale example of how MotoArt blends form and function.
The 747 Cowling Entryway is a bold and fearless design that will have people talking long before they hit the door and long after they exit through its simple and pristine form.