Web Urbanist: Online Press

Crazy Recycled Converted Airplanes and Plane Parts
Airplane seats, both military and commercial, are also a favored choice for recyclers. Original seats are built to rigid specifications and among other things, use fire-resistant materials in their construction. Moto-Art offers a number of recycled, refurbished and re-worked airplane seats to the public including ejection seats from F-4 Phantom fighters (right) and B-52 Stratofortress bombers (left). Just the thing to get you through – or out of – that deathly boring budget meeting!

See full article here: http://weburbanist.com/2008/10/29/crazy-recycled-converted-airplanes-and-plane-parts/

Coffee, Tea or Napalm?
Please return your Motoart coffee tables to the upright position… which would be a different position from the ones these genuine recycled aircraft parts assumed in their previous lives aboard F-4 Phantom fighters, Boeing 707 jetliners and B-52 Stratofortress bombers. Seriously, a coffee table made from chromed Phantom afterburner cans? That lights up at night with red LEDs? You know you want one.

See full article here: http://weburbanist.com/2009/04/29/15-creative-coffee-tables-and-offbeat-coffee-table-designs/

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