It’s the plane truth – MotoArt makes custom hand-crafted furniture… airplane furniture, that elevates the character and personality of a given space to higher altitudes. Case and point – the new Fuselage Coffee Table based around an actual fuselage of a Boeing and Douglas aircraft.
This thoughtfully designed piece uses a slice of fuselage to act as both a foundational design element and a lighting source. Although the LED lighting is optional and the table looks great with or without, the colored lights emitting from the fuselage windows are truly striking. They are available in a host of different colors to match any decor.
The table, which is very much suitable for both home and office environments, is built sturdy yet elegant. The textured finished powder-coated aluminum tube construction frame contrast the high polish or satin finishes appearance of the actual airplane fuselage that sets beneath two sheets of refined tinted 3/8” tempered glass.
Together these elements form a genuinely special finished piece of airplane furniture. A custom coffee table that is of course functional, but is also unlike anything that exists anywhere on the market, or for the matter, the planet!